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February 25, 2004
Still yet more proof the Left is morally bankrupt

TalkLeft points to this post: "Beat Bush Campaign at its own Game."

Now, first of all, let's recall that TalkLeft is a defense lawyer who appears on TV shows, goes to conferences, etc. etc. TalkLeft is not, to the best of this blogger's knowledge, 12 years old. Yet, the scheme TalkLeft endorses sounds like something a shifty 12-year-old future felon would dream up:

Billmon has uncovered the most glorious hack. It seems has a really keen tool: enter your ZIP code, and it’ll bring up a list of your local papers. Type in the letter you wish to send to the editor(s), check off the papers in question, press the “send” button, and presto! You’ve siphoned off a tiny chip of his 200-million–dollar war chest and used it for truth, justice, and the American way. (If you’re at a loss, Billmon suggests you take the HRC or Lambda Defense Fund letters as boilerplate.)

What are you waiting for? Go! Go!

Does TalkLeft respond with a suggestion that this is unethical? I mean, the text on the Bush page says "send your letter in support of President Bush today!" and we're being ordered to send anti-Bush letters. This would be unethical if a similar Kerry feature were being misused, and he's got even less money than Bush.

Does TalkLeft suggest that this great idea will backfire as editors separate the true letters of support from those written by the 12-year-olds?

Does TalkLeft suggest that this form only sends emails or produces printable letters, it doesn't send FAXes or snail mail, and thus the cost to the Bush Campaign is just about nil?

Does TalkLeft even suggest that this form of abuse might be covered under some obscure DCMA provision?

No, TalkLeft joins in on the fun, adding "...the part we like the best is that the Bush Campaign is paying for the funding of the technology to do this."

Posted by The Lonewacko Blog to Bloggage at February 25, 2004 12:12 AM

And the downside is...?

Posted by: prototype on February 25, 2004 01:51 PM

I don't get it. What's your point?

Posted by: Paul on February 27, 2004 07:44 AM

Oh whnaaaaaah!

Posted by: catalexis on February 29, 2004 12:27 PM
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